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NBA Uniform Pet Peeves

The NBA remains the standard of excellence for basketball uniforms. They're incredibly well made, free of sponsorship and integral to a team and players identity.

Lately though, there seems to be some slippage whether it be wriggle room in certain areas such as shoes, or over accessorising to the point of absurdity.

So with that, here are my current pet peeves in the world of NBA uniforms, in no particular order:

Road Whites

This shouldn't happen. It's normally the situation when the home team is wearing an alternate uniform, but where applicable we should always see the rare-but-glorious colour versus colour matchup.

Unless of course it results in this...

Too Many Accessories

The NBA has come a long way since the humble wrist-band favoured by every big man in the league, and as you can probably tell I am a huge fan of the shooting sleeve, to the point where it should just be standard issue. Some guys though, they just take it too far.

Look at Dwight right here, not only rocking the double arm sleeve but the headband as well. I'll blame this on getting caught up in the LA nonsense, but what's Mo's excuse?

Here's Mavericks gun slinger Wes Matthews with the odd looking double sleeve...

Also, if you are going to add the arm sleeve you must, MUST wear it in a colour found on the uniform.

Still. Could be worse...

Shoes...pick your colour!

So this is a recent one in light of shoes deals and player lines. Somewhere along the way the team issue shoe became optional and now we're seeing all manner of colours out on the courts. Whatever happened to home team wears white with white socks, road team wears black with black socks?

Socks and shoes are integral to the overall look. It's disappointing that it's come to this, but understandable to a degree. Still, yikes...

Here's a glimpse of how it should be...kind of.

Those courts tho...

The latest NBA court trend has seen teams completely eschew the need for paint and instead opt for a stain effect.

It started with an area on the court, the key for example. Now we're out here seeing city skylines and watermarked logos. Just stop it.

Another irksome trend is the lack of paint. Lets get some colour in there, Houston!

Brooklyn needs to be better...

This court is the best in the NBA needs as much air time as possible. Look at the way road uniforms just pop on the screen.

Worth keeping an eye on...

We're seeing some great things lately with the introduction of alternate courts popping up for a couple of teams. The Sacramento Kings have nailed it with their powder blue set.

Thanks for stopping by and let me know if there's anything that gets on your nerves when you watch a game. Apart from sleeved jerseys, we know everyone hates those.

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